

What is drug addiction?

Drug addiction is a tricky illness. It alters the brain in ways that make stopping impossible. It is defined by uncontrollable drug seeking and usage. It is a “relapsing” disease because people in recovery are likely to relapse even after years of abstinence.

What are the causes of Drug Addiction?

Causes of drug addiction include:

Environmental factors like: Friends, family, economic standing, overall quality of life, peer pressure, physical abuse, early drug exposure, stress, and parental guidance.

Development factors like: Inherited traits, family history, trauma and abuse, family dysfunction, mental health issues, low self-esteem and social rejection.

What is the impact of drug addiction?

Physical effects of drug addiction include:

  • Weight and appetite fluctuations
  • Excessive or insufficient sleep
  • Elevated blood pressure and heart rate
  • Respiratory depression or abnormal breathing patterns
  • Digestive issues
  • Muscle weakness or tremors
  • Seizures or convulsions
  • Damage to reproductive health or sexual dysfunction
  • Skin problems
  • Organ damage

Mental effects of drug addiction include:

  • Panic attacks, paranoia, or anxiety
  • Suicidal thoughts or depression
  • Cognitive decline or memory problems
  • Hallucinations or psychosis
  • Personality changes
  • Impaired decision-making or judgment
  • Difficulty focusing or concentrating
  • Social isolation or withdrawal
  • Emotional instability or mood swings
  • Increased risk of mental illnesses

Social effects of drug addiction include:

  • Dropping out of school
  • Unemployment
  • Frequent hospitalizations
  • Legal troubles
  • Incarceration
  • Dysfunctional or strained relationships

Spiritual effects of drug addiction include:

  • Feeling disconnected from core values, purpose, or identity
  • A sense of detachment from the divine or spiritual beliefs
  • Experiencing emptiness or a lack of direction
  • Feelings of hopelessness, despair, and doubt about recovery
  • Compulsive behaviours that conflict with moral beliefs
  • Spiritual emptiness or “bankruptcy”

What is De-Addiction?

To treat addiction, all of its aspects like psychological, emotional and social need to be solved.  De-addiction combines medicine, therapy, detox, peer support, and relapse prevention techniques. People who undergo this process may take back control of their life and maintain long-term sobriety. It is more of a continuous process of healing and personal development rather than a quick cure.

De-addiction at Second Street Rehabilitation Centre

Our de-addiction program utilizes a wide variety of therapies to help patients manage all phases of their recovery. With the help of unique treatment strategies and reliable methods, we help addicts lay the foundation for a fulfilling life free of addiction. We combine psychological counseling, behavioral therapy, and holistic treatments to address both physical and mental health challenges. We make the process of detoxification and rehabilitation extremely easy for the addict with the help of professional therapists and addiction doctors. We also provide family therapy and post-treatment follow-ups, that support patients in their recovery. At Second Street Rehabilitation Centre, we dedicate ourselves to providing a loving atmosphere that promotes sustainable sobriety and individual growth.

Get in Touch

Reach out to us for any inquiries or assistance, we’re here to help!